Expert Opinions
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Panacea Special Edition / Laboratory Services Update During COVID-19 PHE
Panacea’s consultants have been closely monitoring both Centers…
UPDATE: Billing for Hospital Outpatient Services During the COVID-19 PHE
On July 28, 2020, CMS released a new FAQ for Hospital Billing…
Modifications to Hospital Outpatient Services During COVID PHE
Telehealth Expansion for Hospitals
CMS is increasing access…
UPDATE: COVID-19 Antibody & Antigen Testing
In the CMS-5531-IFC dated April 30, 2020, CMS has stated COVID-19…
UPDATE: COVID-19 Specimen Collection for Hospitals & Physicians
In the CMS-5531-IFC Dated April 30, 2020, CMS confirmed new guidance…
Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Billing for COVID-19 Testing
We continue to monitor CMS updates for coding and billing information…
UPDATE – Provider Telehealth Coding and Billing, effective April 1, 2020
CMS guidance for telehealth is changing rapidly. In an effort…
An Update from Panacea on COVID-19
We are all adjusting to a new reality in light of the COVID-19…
Panacea Developing News: New ICD-10-CM code for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), April 1, 2020
On March 18, 2020, the CDC announced the decision to implement…