Whitepapers & Case Studies
Case Study: Transforming Payer Contract Negotiations with RateAnalyzer™
Find out how a three-hospital health system improved their financial performance, reduced risk, and gained a competitive edge in the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare reimbursement by employing RateAnalyzer.
Key Questions For Providers After More Than 2 Years of the Price Transparency Rule
Evidence amassed from over two years of experience with compliance reinforces why providers need to focus on chargemaster prices and self-pay discount policies—and how they can benefit from analyzing trends in consumers’ price searches.
Can MRF Data Be Used For Comparative Benchmarking?
In the October 2023 issue of HFM Magazine, Panacea's Govi Goyal and Fred Stodolak discuss the findings of Panacea's recent study demonstrating the pitfalls to consider when using machine-readable file data in comparative benchmarking.
Hospital Zero-Base Pricing®: A Novel Approach to Establishing Rational Chargemaster Prices
Today’s environment necessitates that healthcare CFOs and financial managers can explain, document, and defend the rationale behind their CDM prices. This whitepaper discusses why financial managers who previously had optimized their chargemaster prices or inherited irrational chargemasters should consider a hospital zero-base pricing initiative.
National CC/MCC Capture Rate and Case Mix Index Study
A nationwide analysis of hospitals’ case mix index trends and CC/MCC capture rates since the implementation of ICD-10.
A Multi-Institutional Healthcare Delivery System Uses Data and Rules-Based AI to Enhance Revenue Capture and Reduce Compliance Risk
A large multi-institutional healthcare delivery system wanted to develop a charge capture program that would help all their hospitals ensure appropriate reimbursements. The solutions they considered didn't cut it—until they found CLAIMSauditor®.