Compliant coding
equals compliant revenue
Nobody audits like we do.
Compliant coding
equals compliant revenue
Nobody audits like we do.
Register for your customized diagnostic review.
You find the coding guidelines to be confusing. You explain that you’re getting contradictory interpretations of guidance from your billing, compliance and revenue integrity departments. You tell us of your frustration, when you get conflicting advice from Medicare, commercial payers and other resources.
So when you say, “we need someone to tell us if we’ve got it right,” we hear you. We’ll answer your call for help.
A two-step process that will help you:
Just for you—the nation’s most experienced team of coding experts who have hands-on clinical expertise are ready to help you simplify your auditing needs.
Experience for yourself how our proprietary rules-based AI auditing technology can process 100% of your claims against thousands of rules to find those with the highest probability for risk or opportunity.
Visit our Resource Center and discover a portfolio rich with whitepapers, case studies and articles written by our experts who have extensive experience in clinical, financial and administrative leadership.
Complex and complicated specialty services such as surgical specialties, medical oncology, interventional radiology, cardiology, anesthesiology and labs are potential areas for coding errors which, in turn, impact revenue and compliance. You need to know. And now you will know for sure.
Panacea will first deploy its proprietary auditing technology to audit 100% of your claims or coding abstract data — not random audits —against more than thousands of rules in our rules library and validate our findings against medical records—a validation that will reveal potential under-and over-coding and possible lost or missing revenue opportunities. We’ll drill down on the analytics and roll them up to dashboard for executive review.
Compliant coding equals compliant revenue. Now you can have both.
Panacea is pleased to present an on-demand presentation of our proprietary rules-based AI auditing technology platform. This cloud-based compliance and auditing tool assists healthcare providers in proactively identifying coding, compliance and reimbursement risks and opportunities hidden in their claims. It uncovers RAC audit targets, medical necessity targets, quality issues, lost revenue, under and overpayments, unbilled and under-billed services, and much, much more.
Register to watch an on-demand presentation to see how this cutting edge technology can benefit your facility.
Over worked and under stress, the lives of physicians amid the pandemic are, no doubt, untenable. Add to that pressure are the new evaluation and management (E&M) codes and the new CPT® codes from the AMA. But here’s good news: Panacea can audit your claims or coding abstract data for compliance while, concurrently, uncovering missing revenue opportunities for your organization.
We’ll first deploy Panacea’s proprietary auditing technology against thousands of rules from our rules library and we’ll then validate our findings to show you potential revenue opportunities and possible compliance issues. Compliant coding equals compliant revenue.
Now you can have both, plus a healthy and compliant bottom line.
Your chargemaster drives your revenue cycle. And when it’s not in alignment with compliant coding and billing practices, you could be missing revenue and be at risk for audits by the government and third-party auditors. You need to know for certain. We can audit CDM for compliance while concurrently looking for missed revenue opportunities.
We’ll process your chargemaster through our proprietary software to flag potential areas where opportunities or coding discrepancies may exist. A comprehensive CDM review will include validation at the line-item level, including claims sampling. The potential of lost revenue is surpassed by the opportunity to improve reimbursement.
Nobody audits like we do. We’re PANACEA.
Our proprietary auditing technology reviews all of your claims or coding abstract data, allowing you to focus your time and investment on problem areas and uncovering new revenue opportunities.
Your audit program will become more:
Complete the form to let us know how we can help. If you would like assistance, please call us at 1-866-926-5933 or email us at — and we’ll be in touch shortly.